Gates PoweRated V-Belts are design-engineered to handle virtually any utility application because they transmit more horse-power than conventional utility belts – up to 17 horse-power. Gives outstanding performance on drives with backside idlers.
Features & Benefits:
Reinforced with aramid tensile cord, pound for pound stronger than steel.
Green Flex-Weave® cover resists heat, oil and cracking.
Superior performance on clutching and backside idler drives.
Universal construction features cord placement and cover that provide smooth, quiet operation with reduced vibration.
Concave sides fill out to make even contact with the sides of the sheave grooves to distribute wear uniformly.
Closeout Inventory Warranty Information:Wholesaler Closeout items have a 30 day warranty (but still are covered by our Return Policy).GATES Regular Inventory Warranty Information:Limited LifetimeWarranty Details